Santa Rita (also referred to as Viña Santa Rita)is one of Chile’s most prominent wine producers, and is based in the Alto Jahuel area of the Maipo Valley. It has vineyards in some of the country’s best winegrowing regions, including Aconcagua, the Limari Valley, Apalta, the Rapel Valley and the Casablanca Valley.
Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenère are Santa Rita’s most important grape varieties, but wines are also made from Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Chardonnay.
Tasting notes:
Soapy aromas are oily, heavy and slightly tropical. This is a low-acid Moscato with almost no pulse. Sweet flavors taste artificial, and there’s no lift or pop to the palate. A finish suggestive of bath soap, powdered sugar and vanilla holds no sway.
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