In olden days, the vineyards of this great Meursault must have been surrounded by junipers whose name has lived on. This prestigious appellation was classified as a “Tête de cuvée” as early as 1855 by Dr Lavalle in his renowned book “Histoire et Statistiques de la Vigne et des Grands Vins de la Côte-d’Or”. At that time, the terms Premiers Crus and Grands Crus were not in use. Bouchard Père & Fils owns 2.65 hectares of Meursault Genevrières, often the first Chardonnays to be harvested on the estate.
Tasting notes:
Very pale yellow-green, silver reflections. Delicate floral bouquet with hints of white blossom, fresh apple and minerality. Silky on the palate, but a bit soft at the core, pear fruit with caramel on the finish and moderately long.